Sunday, October 7, 2007

What a Bad Day....

Oh gosh, it's it a bad day today? As I feel so.... all the things that I do, make me angry and frustrated. Seems that it was a hard day for me, for me to feel unlucky.Why? Why all the thing begin like this? Why I'm the only one to blame? Why I'm the only one to scolded? Tell me...

Not only that, I also not feeling well, getting sort throat and headache. I really doesn't know what had happen to me in this few days. Keep crying, scolding people,make harassment and all the bad thing I do to make people angry and scolding me.I feel like I'm sick of it!! I was thinking of commit suicide, to end my life as well but I cannot. I still young and many things I still need to do.I wan to enjoy my life, my study,my work,my parents, my friends and be loved by everyone....

Everything I done is not what I expected. Life is so difficult. Please give me some guide to continue my journey.............

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